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Furniture industry consumer data report 2017
Source: | Author:design-100 | Published time: 2014-11-19 | 2080 Views | Share:
In today's era of mobile Internet, consumer demand for furniture products, shopping patterns and influencing factors are changing. Room for the world to show you in 2017 Q1 furniture industry consumer data report, take you into the industry changes.
Population analysis
Survey data show that female consumers are mainly concentrated in the age between 18-30 years old, now used furniture for more than 3 years of purchase, respondents belonging to several provinces, including first-tier cities and municipalities, including border areas in Guangdong, Hunan, Beijing,.
Two, consumer profiles
1, different age levels, concerns, differences
70 consumer groups for the price of the attention was significantly higher than that of 80, 90, 80 after 90 consumer groups; consumer groups used to understand the information through the Internet, so the merchandise for the site's attention more than 70 people; in terms of brand, the store, the effect of attention, little difference in different ages.
2, access to furniture information channel comparison
Mobile Internet era, consumers understand the channels of furniture information is also more abundant. Overall, the Internet channels occupy 30%, television advertising, exhibitions, stores, newspapers and magazines are 23%, 20%, 7% of the proportion of traditional channels of information. Relatives and friends are also one of the channels to obtain information, and the proportion of 17% shows the necessity of communication between people in modern society.
3, buy furniture channel comparison
Most consumers are inclined to obtain furniture information through the Internet, in the electricity supplier so advanced today, consumers buy channels are still concentrated online shopping mall. 37% of consumers choose furniture stores, 32% of consumers choose hypermarkets, and 10% will choose in Department stores. Only 21% of consumers choose shop.
4, factors affecting consumers to buy furniture
In terms of factors influencing consumers to buy furniture, low price, discount factors accounted for only 6%, while the green environmental protection, zero formaldehyde has accounted for 31% of the most important impact factors, consumers buy the most visible, consumer attitudes have changed, more consideration of health and environmental protection etc..
5, the amount of consumption to be accepted when buying furniture
In the amount of consumption of furniture, 31% of consumers have been willing to buy 20000-50000 yuan consumption or consumption of furniture.
6, solid wood furniture popular with the public
Contemporary consumers buy furniture is not sleep, put objects so simple.  Furniture has become a culture, reflecting the owner's unique taste and aesthetic appeal. Furniture products on the market in terms of plate, style, durability is difficult to distinguish between high and low, but among them, solid wood furniture by the vast number of consumers.
7, modern minimalist style by consumers touted
Now the consumer choice of furniture style diversification in many furniture style, 38% of consumers said that at this stage the more love modern minimalist style of furniture, it seems that minimalist furniture has attracted more and more people, more consumption width amplification.
Three, personalized demand
1, customized furniture combination, personalization, supporting, integrity and other functions, respectively, 24%, 19%, 17%, 16% of the proportion of consumers by high praise.
2, in the choice of custom furniture reasons, 42% of consumers believe that customized furniture can be more rational and full use of home space.
3, 49% of consumers in the purchase of furniture, for a number of brands, portfolio purchase.
4, IKEA furniture, Sophia, Federal furniture and other brands by the attention of consumers.
Four. Trend analysis
1, the whole house customization is a new direction for future development
With the change of human consumption concept, the prospect of customized furniture market is broad. Throughout the furniture industry in recent years, all entrepreneurs are exploring the value of the whole house custom field, the whole house customized suction eye. Customized furniture will continue to be a growing sector in the furniture industry, according to data show that the next year will maintain more than 18% growth rate, to 2020, the market size will reach 160 billion 600 million yuan.
2, environmental protection topic of concern, low formaldehyde furniture market
In recent years, ecological deterioration, haze and other environmental problems have become increasingly serious, environmental protection has become a hot topic for everyone, the topic also led to consumer concern about environmental protection furniture. Survey data show that consumers in the purchase of products are very environmentally friendly, especially for furniture products, 31% of consumers will be environmentally friendly as the primary standard.
3, the rise of the middle class, high-end furniture by attention
According to the relevant report predicts that by 2022 76% of the China City family will reach the income level of the middle class, while the proportion was only 4% in 2000, the rapid rise of the middle class will continue into China power for economic growth. The rise of the middle class, high consumption continued to increase, the volume of luxury houses also increased sharply, more consumers put money into the furniture market.